We Provide You With The Feature And Level Plan Enables Design Of Your Renovation, Extension, Development Or Dream Home
We Provide You With The Feature And Level Plan Enables Design Of Your Renovation, Extension, Development Or Dream Home
You’ll Receive The Accurate Feature And Level Plan You Expect And Also The Extra Coverage From Laser Scanning Techniques That Can Prevent Costly Site Re-visits
Quality Plan
You’ll receive a quality feature and level plan and have quick responsiveness if further information is required
Prevent Costly Re-Visits
You’ll receive extra coverage from laser scanning techniques that can prevent costly site re-visits
Clear Data
You’ll receive clear and visually pleasing documentation depicting relevant data in a more comprehensible way
Without A Feature And Level Survey, Design Grinds To A Halt
Don’t wait longer for your feature and level plan.
Be confident in the feature and level plan you receive
Be sure that critical information is included in the feature and level plan.
We believe that the community deserves high quality and complete feature and level surveys with quick turn around times so you can focus on the next step in your journey.
Need A Feature And Level Survey So You Can Progress Your Design?
We understand that it can be frustrating waiting for a land survey in order to progress work on a design.
We’ve prepared hundreds of feature and level plans (and title re-establishment plans) for clients utilising traditional techniques and laser scanning technology to ensure all detail required for design is available quickly and accurately.
It would be our pleasure to prepare a feature and level plan for you too.
What Our Clients Can Expect From Us
Progress Your Designs Promptly
With a Feature & Level Plan you can keep moving the design process forward at a good pace
Precise Data for your Architect, Building Designer and/or Engineer
High quality and precise survey data facilitates greater evaluation of problems which means your architect, building design and/or engineer will be able to provide you with a better service.
Additional Survey Coverage Eliminating Costly Site Re-visits
We use the latest laser scanning techniques for our feature and level surveys which increases the survey coverage and eliminates site revisits meaning no surprise survey costs later on.
The Feature & Level System
Step 1: Call Now
We’ll ensure you get exactly what you need which means you’re not paying extra for services you don’t need.
Step 2: Feature and Level Survey Site Visit & Plan Delivery
We’ll visit the site and carry out the feature and level survey scope combining traditional and modern laser scanning techniques. We’ll then prepare and provide the survey plans and/or 3D data in a form that best suits your needs. You’ll receive the accurate feature and level survey plan you expect and also the extra coverage from laser scanning techniques that can prevent site re-visits and associated delays.
Step 3: Enjoy Confidence In The Future of Your Project
You’ll feel more confident knowing future decisions are based on solid feature and level survey data meaning you are better positioned to have your consultants – who rely on this data – more accurately evaluate problems and therefore provide you with a better service.
What’s Available When You Work With Us:
• Feature & Level Plan: Once completed, enables you to progress and keep moving the design process forward at a good pace
• Building Floor Plans: Don’t be bound by existing floor plans, we’ll measure up so you can engineer and redesign your vision
• 3D Laser Scanning Data: Provides huge amounts of high detail spatial data which avoids site revisits and allows for deeper insights.
Did You Know Levels Are Risky?
Errors in survey levels pose a high level of risk and are the most common cause of litigation in the field. This is because measuring levels is easy to get wrong but with the long standing methodologies of verification employed by licensed surveyors it is easy for us to get right. Don’t risk using an unlicensed surveyor for your feature and level surveys.